About Desi Ivanova


Desi holds a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Honors from HMI College, California. Coming from a family of doctors, Desi has always been passionate about healing people on a deeper mind and soul level. She firmly believes that humans are ever evolving and have the power to transform into versions of themselves that best serve their highest good. Given all advanced studies on Neural Plasticity and Gene Editing, it is only natural that our minds can be re-programmed and our limiting/negative beliefs can be altered.

In addition, Desi is an actress with a BA in Theatre and an MFA in film, which she believes, has further contributed to her understanding of the human condition, psyche and interconnectivity.


• Certified Clinical Hypnotherapis /HMI College, California USA

• Hypnosis for Childbirth

• Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

• Trauma Recovery Hypnosis

• Hypnosis for Immune Disorders

• Hypnosis for Weight Loss 

• Therapeutic Imagery - Advanced Imagery

• Body Syndromes- Psychosomatics

• Clearing up Traumas at the Energy Level

• Rapid Inductions

• Healing the Child Within


• Hypnosis for Fears, Phobias and Anxieties

• Reiki level 1 and level 2 

• Energy Healing Qi Balancing

“Life is 10 percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.”

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

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